Saturday 14 March 2009


Oliver ran at the annual Woodford Halse cross country meet on Wednesday and did so well. He had been really anxious about it but he's growing up and so his maturity and growing confidence enabled him to overcome and he ran so well. He was the 2nd Bugbrooke boy to cross the line and thats where he consistently comes at school, so he did well to maintain that when running with another 150-200 children or so. He finished 12th a personal best for him and he was very pleased as were Mum and Dad!!! Not many things come easily to Oliver so its great for him to have a few things that do. Running is one. Father like son!!!!

Thursday 5 March 2009

Ellias' first parents

Ellias on his first day of school.

Now 6 months on we've had our first parents evening for him and heard he's doing well, a bright boy with an aptitude for maths. All things we know, but it was great to hear that he's settled in well and has made friends and is enjoying it. He's becoming more confident every day, sometimes that's challenging, but its great to see.

I came away feeling very privileged that my 2 school age children, have such committed and dedicated teachers: people who are doing their jobs with a passion, with a care and with an ability to treat each child as an individual. Its teachers like those that make you believe in the system that at times its so easy to doubt.